The Presentation Doctor DR GARY WOHLMAN, PhD

Video of the Story Of Storytelling – Video download


This video is the “Story of Storytelling,” adapted from the American Indian tradition and retold by Dr Gary in his many-years-of-practice in the character of “Traveling Troubadour & Jester.”



This video is the “Story of Storytelling,” adapted from the American Indian tradition and retold by Dr Gary in his many-years-of-practice in the character of “Traveling Troubadour & Jester.”

Here Dr Gary, as “Sharaad La Charade,” tells us the story of how Storytelling began many, many years ago. As you will see, he weaves this tale with a live audience in the mountains of what was once actually Indian land ~ in the San Diego region of Southern California in the Southwestern United States.

In his characteristic unique style of participatory improvisational theatre, Sharaad involves the entire audience in the telling of the story. The main characters of the story are enacted by members of the audience itself, bringing the story to life as never before…