The Presentation Doctor DR GARY WOHLMAN, PhD

Where Do We Go From Here? – Audio download


Here Gary presents a series of approaches to look at the direction our life is going and re-assess it, so we can shift from the tendency to continually repeat patterns of staying stuck and move from “death-sentencing” self-talk towards “life-sentencing”.



Here Gary presents a series of approaches to look at the direction our life is going and re-assess it, so we can shift from the tendency to continually repeat patterns of staying stuck and move from “death-sentencing” self-talk towards “life-sentencing”.

Some examples described here include: “An autiobiography in five short sentences,” how to recognize when to “walk down a different street” and change our life direction, how to cross the threshold of fear and re-frame how we hold our past (up to now) and step forward (from now on) into a renewed present and future.

Also included here are tools for guided visualisation, such as the “Future Passe technique” and “Eulogy exercise” which Gary uses in workplace environments where he leads programs in “Balancing Work and Personal Lives.” Guidance is also provided to manifest dramatically different outcomes than what we are accustomed to in our lives.

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