The Presentation Doctor DR GARY WOHLMAN, PhD

Mastering Your Speaking Voice – Audio download




Using voice tones and rhythms allow you to communicate with greater passion, conviction and sincerity, thus getting your message across more effectively.
Actual voices of such charismatic speakers as Winston Churchill, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Bella Abzug are included as examples.
By listening to the widely differing styles of delivery represented by these famous speakers, and by responding to questions asked after hearing each selection, you will be better prepared to vary your voice tones and vocal delivery to make engaging, impactful presentations and reach your audience more effectively.
For maximum results, this CD is best listened to repeatedly, and just before you give a LIVE presentation, so the material remains fresh in your mind. Also included with the interactive CD is a written article on MASTERING PUBLIC (& PERSONAL) SPEAKING, also known as: HOW TO USE YOUR VOICE MORE EFFECTIVELY.

Listen to sample