The Presentation Doctor DR GARY WOHLMAN, PhD
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How do you reconnect with that first ring of recognition of the very first time you spoke naturally, easily, genuinely? How do you get it the fifteenth time you do it? Remember, it is always the first time… something is always different, even if you have made the same presentation hundreds of times.
How do you reconnect with that first ring of recognition of the very first time you spoke naturally, easily, genuinely? How do you get it the fifteenth time you do it? Remember, it is always the first time… something is always different, even if you have made the same presentation hundreds of times.
- Keep it fresh and alive.
- What is different in your perception today?
- What nuance of “you-ance” can you enhance?
- Present Like It’s Always the First Time
- Present as if you were doing it for the first time.
- By using the 3Vs of communication, it’s easy to practice this principle: It’s always the first time!
In communication, we can look at the Verbal [word content],
the Vocal [sounds], and the Visual [gestures].