A medical doctor and client of mine, one of the leading proponents of PRP Platelet Rich Plasma therapy in the world, was getting reading for a BIG talk last week. He asked for tips, with his audience being:
Twenty doctors will be there. I want to create the impression that they can trust us to look after their patients

Here are some questions and tips I shared with him:

What dialogue is most commonly repeating in these 20 doctor’s minds for them to trust you to look over their patients? Speak to their questions you can also voice for them, such as by saying, “One of the questions that doctors often ask is…”

I suggest you follow my P.E.A. formula presenting:
1) one POINT at a time, such as PRP has been getting especially excellent results with X (you name it) condition
2) followed by a real life EXAMPLE as to how you worked with a particular patient with that condition with outstanding results. Ideally, you will share any examples appealing to as many of the senses as possible (especially seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, touching), to maximise engagement with the different listening styles of your audience members.
3) and complete the P.E.A. cycle of communication by making the APPLICATION (the ‘WIIFM”, or “What’s In It For Me’ from the audience members’ points-of-view, in other words, “how does this apply to each of, or a large majority of the 20 doctors present? You can even say, following your giving the P & the A, something so simple and direct as: “How does this apply to you?” Whether or not they answer, you’ve got them thinking and participating by asking such interactive, participatory questions as that one.
Then specify, something like: “For those of you that keep seeing the same patients coming back who have had initial improvement from cortisone injections up to 6 months, statistics have shown that with PRP (Plat, improvement continues and surpasses the results from cortisone from 6 mos and longer… the effect of cortisone is higher at first, yet we have found drops down significantly for longer, and longer-lasting treatments..PRP improvements stand out over time
Then move on to a different POINT.
Ideally, the 3-5 POINTS you make in your presentation, backed by one EXAMPLE & APPLICATION for each point, will cover a large range of the best PRINCIPLES & case study EXAMPLES you can envision to assist the 20 doctors present to trust you to look after their patients THE MOST.
Does this make sense to you?
You can also leave a short Q & A (Question & Answer) period at the end to have either the doctors or yourself ask questions about specific conditions that you’ve been able to look after with outstanding results. And you can even stage questions yourself to be more engaging and interactive, such as: “One of the questions that doctors often ask me about looking after their patients is.. [then ask the question as though you were one of the doctors present, and answer as yourself or someone else on your team that also gets exemplary results] Let me know how this PEA tip is helpful to you in maximising your credibility so these doctors trust you (by proven examples) to look after their patients.
Looking forward to seeing a copy of this presentation, to give you further feedback, guidance and support ~ and wishing you that it goes even better than planned.
Enjoy your travels,
Dr Gary
PS For more information on the P.E.A. cycle of communication, visit My interactive workbook on “Mastering Authenticity & Audience Rapport” includes more information on how to use this formula in conjunction with the “Speech Cycle template‘ for organising your content for your upcoming speech.



Here’s a practical way you can apply this P.E.A Formula/Cycle of Communication to organise thoughts and ideas into books, audios, videos and multimedia materials ~and bring out the best of you, to bring your voice and message out into the world as you’ve dreamed possible.

Start by creating a  separate folder in your computer for each of the titles of your books…

P.E.A Formula/Cycle of Communication:

P: For each new chapter where you are describing 1 key teaching PRINCIPLE, begin typing the descriptions of these principles, perhaps how they first came into being, what happens when people first start practicing these, and the resulting outcomes

E: Type out a great EXAMPLE that punctuates the principle you have just in “One of the best examples I can think of was when________” OR “A time I’ll always remember was when____”Ideally, be as tangible as possible in describing the example, as though you are telling the story of what happened utilising what I call the 5S PRINCIPLE , that is telling the story in the “SHORTEST, STRONGEST, SIMPLEST, SPECIFIC STATEMENTS”  that appeals to as many of the senses as possible, so your principle “makes most sense”

A: How does this Principle and Example Apply to your reading/listening/viewing audience? What’s in it for them? If you are interested in developing a singing career, how you might find this practice useful is________. If you’d simply interested in strengthening your singing and speaking voice so you can develop confidence in speaking up at home, with your partner, or at work, then__________

So for each POINT  that you make or teaching PRINCIPLE  that you convey, back it up with at least 1 EXAMPLE and 1 APPLICATION  before moving on to your next POINT.

Make it a joyful discipline to make it a daily practice to sit  and open the folders of each of your developing books, with the files that you feel moved to create, without “trying to get it right”.

Allow the spirit of  free flow to move you and guide you to create new folder and files of chapter headings within each of the  books, as you feel moved. No need at all to think about creating any sense of order when you first begin.

As you sit and simply open the folders that may have chapter titles and nothing more in them at the beginning, after a short while, just letting yourself sit in the open blank space, like a blank canvas, envision whatever feels compelling in your telling to add to the blank space, perhaps a piece of a dream you just had, a particular phrase that is continuing to show up on the movie screen of your mind, a piece of a conversation with someone that fits in there perfectly, and in this way, in a short time, the book will gain momentum and will write itself.

I wrote an entire PhD thesis utilising this principle of trusting the unknown and letting myself just sit daily with the blank open space – even if I did no writing that day – until ideas, inspirations and clear insights came to me more and more easily as to what belonged where. You’ll be surprised how easy and fun this process becomes, once you get started…

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