
The Presentation Doctor DR GARY WOHLMAN, PhD

Improve Your Speaking Voice!

The following transcript is from an actual session I led with a client who is beginning to make audio recordings of his presentations available to his students. He wanted to learn tips, tools and techniques to improve the quality and effectiveness of his live [...]

The Value of the 3Vs

There are so many elements of Dr Gary Wohlman’s method that I find valuable for my journey to living a more fulfilling life, and right now the most specific to me are what Dr Gary calls the 3 V’s: the Verbal, the Vocal and [...]

Finding Empowerment Through Letting Go

Finding Empowerment Through Letting Go Do you ever find yourself feeling caged like a bird, wings beating against the bars of a situation that you can’t see a way out of? Most people will experience feeling trapped or disempowered at different stages of their [...]

How to Claim Your True Voice

Thank you for reading and for working with me, so you are more able to hear your own true voice. Speak. Speak to it. Let us now look deeper into the related principles of “Mastering” your presentation. By “mastering” I am referring to the [...]

Transforming DOUBT to TRUST in communicating clearly

I suggested to a client that she reassign the Doubt which she's allowed to get in the way of communicating clearly to a new role, a new job title, and to put this in dialogue form so she can move forward in her life [...]

How to Embody new self-talk to Empower your Live Presentations

The following exercise will assist you to embody new self-talk while empowering your live presentations on every stage of your life: In the first person, say out loud:“I am in command of my stand. I am in charge of my life and emotions.” Then [...]

Your Vulnerability is Your Strength

Here is an EXAMPLE that illustrates the PRINCIPLE of: “My vulnerability is my strength.” In the early ‘90’s, I had the privilege while visiting Australia to be the first international presenter for the first national conference of the NSAA, the National Speaker’s Association of [...]

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