
The Presentation Doctor DR GARY WOHLMAN, PhD

Find Your Voice, Change Your Life

Dr. Doreen Downing Hi, this is Dr. Doreen Downing. I’m the host of the Find Your Voice, Change Your Life podcast. I’m a psychologist. I always like to invite people who have stories or who have lives that have been sometimes complicated, and challenged, [...]

Humanity Rising Online Presentation – “It’s an Inside Job”

Dr Gary’s Presentation “It’s an Inside Job” on Humanity Rising panel of “Developing Empowerment in a time of COVID”  starts at 1:12:47, ending at 1:39:17. To view recorded sessions of Humanity Rising since its inception from 22 May 2020, join, set [...]

How to overcome blocks to writing and delivering a presentation?

WRITING & SPEAKING INVOCATION:   (TO BE SPOKEN OUT LOUD, WHILE READING THESE WORDS, UNTIL YOU COMMIT THEM TO MEMORY) For best results, read the words in bold italics OUT LOUD  just before sitting down to write or deliver a presentation. Ideally, put on your [...]

Why do you think people have a fear of public speaking?

Great question! As a speaking coach myself for decades now, what I have witnessed more often than anything ~ within myself and others ~ is the terrifying feeling that past moments where a person felt traumatised in not feeling seen or heard while speaking [...]

MiRRor Work Reflections

MiRRor Work Reflections: MiRRor work can be so empowering: a great practice is telling the face looking back at you in the mirror what you want to tell the world, with utmost sincerity. Say what you intend to say to others until you see [...]

MiRRor Work Reflections

MiRRor Work Reflections: MiRRor work can be so empowering: a great practice is telling the face looking back at you in the mirror what you want to tell the world, with utmost sincerity. Say what you intend to say to others until you see [...]

You don't have to rehearse to be yourself

As I reflect on principles of public speaking that make the most sense to me, one keeps reverberating in my mind that I'm moved to share with you. Simply said, it's: "You don't have to rehearse to be yourself". Which is to say, that [...]

What to do after you PAUSE – what to say?

A client I was assisting to create short 3 minute videos of the best of his work asked me, "What to do when I pause in front of a live audience and feel uncomfortable in the silence? What to do?" I suggested that he [...]

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