The Presentation Doctor DR GARY WOHLMAN, PhD

Present Yourself with Power & Presence – Audio download


Here Dr Gary takes us on a journey from innocence to integration, through the great shuddering of life. Operating out of his uniqueness and authenticity, he draws each person out in this live session in a sensitive, commanding and creative way ~ so they feel safe to share their communicative gifts with ease.



Here Dr Gary takes us on a journey from innocence to integration, through the great shuddering of life. Operating out of his uniqueness and authenticity, he draws each person out in this live session in a sensitive, commanding and creative way ~ so they feel safe to share their communicative gifts with ease.

One of the greatest strengths we can learn from here is Dr Gary’s ability to focus intently on each individual with whom he is working. The man who introduces Dr Gary in this session, a world-renowned professional speaker himself, describes his unique gift as helping you stand and discover qualities — once locked inside you — which are magical, mystical, transcendent, nirvana, the Tao, the BIG IT ~ and present it to people.

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